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Government Of Assam Labour Welfare Inspectorate of Boilers

Check List of Service


  • A.Registration of Certificate:
    1. Apply for Registration of Boiler.
    2. Registration boiler folder containing Form-II,III, for IV of IBR, original detailed approved drawing of the boiler.
    3. Certificates of mountings and fittings of boiler in Form-IBR in original.
    4. Requisite Fee for Inspection of registration of Boiler.
  • B.Renewal of Certificates:
    1. Apply for renewal of Certificates.
    2. Requisite Fee for Inspection.
    3. Preparation of Boiler for inspection and testing.
  • C.Approval for Repairing of Boiler :
    1. Forwarding letter of owner.
    2. Proforma-II duly filled in .
    3. Documents of manpower of contractor.
    4. Documents on Experience of contractor.
  • D.Boiler Attendant Examination:
    1. Submission of Forms in Part I, II, III, IV duly filled in.
    2. Payment of Requisite fee.
    3. Submission of documents regarding age, experience and qualification.
  • E.Boiler Operation Engineers Examination :
    1. Submission of Forms in Part I, II,III, IV duly filled in.
    2. Payment of Requisite fee.
    3. Submission of documents regarding age, experience and qualification.
  • F.Recognition to Boiler repairer :
    1. Submission of Questionnaire in form XVIII of IBR.
    2. Detail list of manpower , equipments and machinery, experience etc.
    3. Payment of requisite fee.
  • G.Recognition of Welder test:
    1. Submission of Application.
    2. Deposit of requisite fee for welder test.
    3. Submission of documents regarding age, training and experience.
    4. Arrangement of welding test on test samples i.e. plate, tube & pipe.